The Heartbreaking Demise of Our Sacred Spaces
Andrea Ting-Luz Andrea Ting-Luz

The Heartbreaking Demise of Our Sacred Spaces

A few weeks ago, I learned that yet another yoga studio - the third to which I have direct ties as either a teacher or a student - is closing permanently. I have been at a loss for words, unable to summon the courage to express my grief, my despair, my frustration, my uneasiness, even my gratitude. But these sentiments have undeniably been the source of sleepless nights. In my restlessness I have wrestled with what to do, why this is happening, what is to blame, what to say and to whom, where to take my teaching practice next. I have no definitive answers yet, but I will start with addressing my connection to these places and what they have meant to me.

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Becoming the Light
Andrea Ting-Luz Andrea Ting-Luz

Becoming the Light

And then she said it. “Namaste means ‘may I live my life in such a way that the light inside of me ignites the light inside of others.”

And my entire existence fell neatly into place.

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